Recently chineese hackers attemped over 40000 cyber attack in india on information technology, banking sector, police security system, infrastructure. 40000 attack has been done within five days. But couldn't break the indian cyber security system. cyber attack is done due to recently on going conflict between India🇮🇳 vs china.. 🔴What is cyber attack? A cyber attack is an attempt to disable computers, steal data, or use a breached computer system to launch additional attacks. Cybercriminals can use a variety of methods to launch a cyber attack including malware, phishing, ransomware, man-in-the-middle attack, and other methods. In other situations, cyber attacks can be part of nation-states' cyber warfare or cyber terrorism efforts. Strong organizational-wide cybersecurity and network security controls are now more important than ever. A cybercriminal may steal, alter, or destroy a specified target by hacking into a susceptible system. Cyber threats can ...
There are so many ways to earn money from social media like Facebook, Instagram, twitter etc..
Also you can earn money from youtube, blogging, tiktok etc...
🔵 Earn money from Facebook :
1.create a Facebook page. your personal fb acc will not provide
any revenue.
2. upload video on fb page that
you have created (video length
should be atleast 3 min)
3. should have atleast 10000 follower& over 30000 view in month
4.If you fullfill above criteria,then
you can monitize your fb page &
earn money through Google adse
🔵 Earn money from instagram :
There are 3 ways to earn money from instagram.
1.paid sponsorship
2.affiliate marketing
3. selling your own products
🔵Earn money from youtube : can earn money through youtube partner program
2.Before that you have to fullfill the criteria of 4000 hr watchtime and 1000 subscriber.
3. Then you can monitize your channel and earn money from Google ads.
🔵Earn money from tiktok :
earning from tiktok is quite similar to the Instagram. Here you can earn money through paid sponsorship. More like u will get more revenue.
Earning from another social media is quite similar to the above..
It's correct