Recently chineese hackers attemped over 40000 cyber attack in india on information technology, banking sector, police security system, infrastructure. 40000 attack has been done within five days. But couldn't break the indian cyber security system. cyber attack is done due to recently on going conflict between India🇮🇳 vs china.. 🔴What is cyber attack? A cyber attack is an attempt to disable computers, steal data, or use a breached computer system to launch additional attacks. Cybercriminals can use a variety of methods to launch a cyber attack including malware, phishing, ransomware, man-in-the-middle attack, and other methods. In other situations, cyber attacks can be part of nation-states' cyber warfare or cyber terrorism efforts. Strong organizational-wide cybersecurity and network security controls are now more important than ever. A cybercriminal may steal, alter, or destroy a specified target by hacking into a susceptible system. Cyber threats can ...
Android development was done in many versions; each new version had enhanced features than the previous versions. Each major version had nick names based on the dessert themes. A quick glance at the major Android versions. 🔵Cupcake – This version features such as Blue tooth support, camcorder functions, Ability to upload to YouTube and Picasa. ⬇️⬇️⬇️ 🔵 Doughnut – This Android 1.6 version supported higher resolution touch screens,improved camera and gallery support etc. ⬇️⬇️⬇️ 🔵Éclair – This Android 2.0 version enabled customizing the Home screen, arranging apps and widgets across multiple screen and had amazing wall papers that responded to touch. ...